Saturday, January 3, 2009

Who is this 11 year old Doctor? Oh he's the 11th Doctor?

It was just announced that Matt Smith was the 11th Doctor when Doctor Who returns in 2010. Well, I guess the kid will be a year older by then.


Ann Marie said...

I like him, age doesn't really bother me all that much. That said we'll have to wait to see what his Doctor's going to be like but itis really to early to judge. Have my thoughts over on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if his Doctor is good, I don't think his age matters. I will be upset if they continue to go down the direction that David was going down, though, meaning that every girl falls in love with him because he's cute. :P Donna was so refreshing...

Bloomy said...

I don't like him..As much as i Love Doctor who i just don't think he looks the part..especially after Tennant!! No doctor can be better then David, well maybe Baker.. but anyway the Special effects better be good to make up for it and the script... i think having the perfect combination of David, Russel, and those special effects guys was REALLY good...=]

Lost the Game said...

I like him. Age shouldn't matter. Anyhow, he's doing really well. And I don't think it's fair to compare him with David, seeing as he was the longest running Doctor, and Matt is new to this.

Won the game ;D said...

'lost the game'

>_< David the longest running doctor, how old are you?

Anonymous said...

Smith is a pretty good actor, on the show he was brilliant! He's rather good-looking to boot.

Annie said...

Wasn't sure at first. Love him now.